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Vanja Banks
6 min read
New Moon in Pisces: Liminal Space
Eclipse season kicks off with the New Moon in Pisces at 4:59am EST on March 10th, as the last New Moon of the current astro-year unearths...

Vanja Banks
5 min read
Taurus Eclipse: Moving Forward with Courage & Self-Worth
The end of an era as we complete a 2 year cycle. What transformational journey have you been on since Nov 2021? It comes to completion...

Vanja Banks
7 min read
Achieving Feminine & Masculine Balance Through Astrocartography
Conscious Creation: How living on my Sun line taught me to balance my masculine & feminine The eternal dance and union of masculine &...

Vanja Banks
6 min read
Womb Healing Ritual for the Scorpio Solar Eclipse
October's eclipse is extra powerful for purging trauma stored in the womb. Blend a custom yoni steam to make room for new life this...

Vanja Banks
5 min read
Guide to harnessing lunar energy
What are moon circles and why are they more needed than ever? Despite what you may have learned, you are not separate from the cosmos....

Vanja Banks
4 min read
Ritual baths: A channel to the divine feminine (Part 1)
Whether or not you're a water baby like me (#piscesmoon #scorpiostellium and #piscesnadir), I think we can all agree that water has some...

Vanja Banks
3 min read
Coming Soon: Astrobloom by GBD
A new year calls for new adventures, especially after 2020! Some of you may have noticed I've been sharing more about my daily self-care...
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