On September 17 at 7:35 pm PST/10:35 pm EST, we will experience the first Pisces lunar eclipse since 2017. This is a deeply fated portal, kicking off eclipse season (lasting until Nov 1st) and initiating a new karmic cycle over the next 6 months.
Occurring at 25 degrees, conjunct Neptune and opposing the Sun in Virgo, this energy will most affect those with mutable energy between 10-30 degrees (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) and cardinal energy within 0-10 degrees (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn). Find out if this is you by signing up to the Lunar Alchemy Collective, where you’ll get full access to this article and instructions on pulling up your chart & learning how the energy is affecting you. If not, you will still be affected by this energy wherever you have these degrees in your chart.
Eclipses Bring Fated Energy
Eclipses are potent funnels of fated energy that we experience on a collective and individual level, happening on a new (solar) or full (lunar) moon. They occur when the Lunar Nodes of Fate (North & South Node) align with the luminaries, bringing into focus our soul’s evolution. As social beings, our biggest growth occurs through relationships - and it is therefore the relationships in our lives that drastically shift and change during eclipses. This is particularly true as Venus, the ruling planet of the current Libra South Node, is now in its home sign of Libra, making a positive aspect to Jupiter in Gemini. Some old way of relating must end now in order for us to expand in our relationships and experience divine, unconditional love right now. With Libra’s shadow tendencies highlighted, this means we are collectively learning to let go of people pleasing and conflict avoidance out of a desire to maintain attachment or keep the peace. Â
Endings & Beginnings
Lunar eclipses are normally culminations or completions, but this eclipse feels different as it is also an initiation into the next set of eclipses occurring in Virgo/Pisces until 2027. Also occurring in the last sign of the zodiac (Pisces), this eclipse highlights the cyclical nature of life & death - the old must die to create room for the new. Since July 2023, we have been experiencing eclipses in the signs of Aries/Libra. Now, although the nodes of fate remain in Libra & Aries, this eclipse happens on a full moon in Pisces - meaning it is an initiation and a preview of what is to come as the nodes shift into Virgo & Pisces in early 2025. As the moon in Pisces aligns with the North Node in Aries, it shines a light on the future we are being encouraged to step into on our spiritual journey - one where we are brave enough to carve our own path, follow our instincts and trust our feelings over letting our logic or mind take full control. At the same time, Pisces is the end and the beginning. It’s the akasha, spirit or aether. An expansive, dynamic energy field, where all universal secrets are intertwined. The primordial cosmic force that represents the very essence of potential and connectivity - the cosmic womb. Something must end for something new to emerge.
The akasha holds all soul memory and well of creative possibility, through time & space, and as the Moon and Neptune meet in Pisces, a deep mysticism emerges. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and the Moon - this energy is connected to music, art, dance, romance, poetry - all expressions of the depth of human emotion. This energy asks us to surrender to the cosmic womb - to allow ourselves to feel the waves of the human experience and to create with it, whatever our medium may be. Virgo grounds the mysticism of Pisces, so it is a great time to take whatever wants to come through the emotional experience of being human and channel it into something tangible. The Virgo/Pisces axis represents the connection between the mind and the energetic or subtle body. This energy brings focus to the sometimes intangible and unseen forms of healing holistically on these levels. How does art heal you? How does dance? What happens when you let yourself feel?
Pisces & Creation Energy
The symbol for Pisces (♓) comes from the Vesica Piscis (see above) which means ‘bladder of a fish.’ This is derived from the intersection of two circles and represents the joining of two worlds: the divine and the human. This symbol originally represented the Great Mother goddess. It stands for the yoni, the entrance to the womb, which is also the entrance to the afterlife or spirit world. Pisces represents the waters from which life originated – the primordial Mother, the goddess of chaos who births all beings into existence and then receives them home into eternity.
The two fish swim in opposite directions, representing the paradox of being human: the spiritual fish and the material fish, rational and irrational, victim and saviour. The cord that binds them, shows they are forever bound together - the opposites are two parts of one whole. Pisces is where the human and the divine intersect and the challenge is to find a way to unite the opposites in a way that includes and transcends both. To be in the world but not of it.
Releasing Disempowering Relating Patterns
Think back to March 25 of this year - what did you surrender to then? What relationship patterns were illuminated or perhaps broken at that time? The energy of this eclipse is likely quite related to what occurred then. Black Moon Lilith and Juno are also lining up with the South Node in Libra, adding more relationship-focused energy to the mix. In Libra, Lilith is unapologetic in her approach to achieving harmony in relationships. At the same time, she forces us to look at the shadows we repress when it comes to romantic partnerships - so the potential for power struggles and triggering interactions is high right now.Â