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Writer's pictureVanja Banks

New Moon in Virgo: Self-Intimacy & Discernment

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The Sun & Moon meet at 11 degrees Virgo at 9:55 pm EST/6:55 pm PST on Sept 2nd, opposing Saturn in Pisces and making a difficult aspect to Jupiter and Lilith in Gemini

The New Moon also happens to occur on the exact same day that Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the LAST time in our lives from Sept-Nov this year, before moving into Aquarius for good until 2044. You can learn ALL about that energy here.

As always, everyone will feel this energy wherever  they have Virgo in their natal charts, but anyone with a lot of mutable energy (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) will feel it even more intensely.


Virgo, symbolized by the virgin or maiden archetype, is possibly one of the most misunderstood in astrology.  As the Virgo glyph (♍) is represented by an “m” with a tail (the serpent or shakti energy turned inward), it symbolizes the transmutation of sexual or creative energy into spiritual energy through devotion to Self.  This archetype is deeply associated with refinement of the Self and giving of the Self through sacred work.  This is why those with prominent Virgo energy are so good at practicing discernment - the ability to see inefficiencies; what is working and what isn’t.  As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, Virgo represents the alchemization of air (thought, information) into matter.  At the same time, the shadow of this energy is not being able to see the forest for the trees, crippling perfectionism, and control issues.


Virgo rules the connection of daily life to spirituality and ritual, and of the physical body to the mind/subtle body.  How do we connect with the divine in all aspects of our life - no matter how ‘mundane’ the task? At the same time, how do we take care of our physical vessels, knowing that they are a vessel for the divine light within? 

Finding the Balance Between Control & Flow

woman dancing in forest

With this lunation’s ruling planet (Mercury) recently having stationed direct in Virgo/Leo, the larger cycle at play here is drawing attention to the practices, rituals and routines (Mercury/Virgo) that allow us to fully shine our light (Leo).  Do these habits allow us to move closer to or further away from the large-scale vision of what we are working to manifest for ourselves (the Saturn/Jupiter push & pull dynamic I’ve been speaking to).  What work remains to be done?  What boundaries (with ourselves or others) must be put in place?  What structures are supportive of this vision, and which ones are roadblocks?  Where do we actually need to trust and surrender more?

This energy may be pushing us to seriously commit to and take responsibility over manifesting these goals, but it’s important to not get caught up in the shadow of Virgo energy at this time.  This means that the discerning and hard-working energy of Virgo must be balanced with the light aspects of Pisces.  As much as we will feel committed to making things happen, we should be particularly conscious of overworking ourselves, feeling like we need to have all the answers figured out before we begin, or feeling like everything is up to us.  Virgo can sometimes get too absorbed in the physical and miss the important fact that sometimes, we must allow life to surprise us and surrender to the supports that can only be felt, but not seen.


This means leaning into your spiritual practices, learning when to loosen your grip on the outcome and leaning into the surrender and mysticism of the Pisces archetype.  At the same time, Saturn and Jupiter being at odds with each other and in a difficult aspect to this New Moon may have us feeling particularly challenged or lacking faith.  

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