At 9:53 am EST on May 23rd, the Sun and Moon oppose each other on the Gemini & Sagittarius axis, just 3 days into Gemini season. As the ruling planet of the Sagittarius Full Moon, Jupiter, aligns with Venus in the final degree of Taurus, themes of abundance, prosperity and growth and our sense of self-worth are highlighted. This Venus activation also occurs just weeks before its cazimi in Gemini (June 4), which shines an even bigger spotlight on our relationship to our truth and the ability to magnetize the relationships and resources we desire through our thoughts & words.
In a harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius, this lunation invites us to move past our comfort zone, surrendering attachment to outdated beliefs and opening us up to a deeper alignment with our authenticity.
Happening at 2 degrees Sagittarius & Gemini, those with prominent energy in the latter degrees of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and early degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius) will be most affected by this lunation.
Find out if this is you by signing up to the Lunar Alchemy Collective, where you’ll get full access to this blog and instructions on pulling up your chart & learning how the energy is affecting you.
Jupiter completes its year-long growth cycle in Taurus
With an energetically potent spring so far, and recent activations of Jupiter in Taurus (the cazimi on May 18th, and its meeting with Uranus on April 21), our connection to our higher self and our relationship to self-trust and abundance has been front and centre. Jupiter is leaving its year-long journey through Taurus with a bang on May 25, and its ripples will move through the collective for years to come. When a planet completes its journey through a sign, the lessons [expansion, faith, in Jupiter's case] we have experienced during its journey there become integrated. We are [hopefully] transitioning into Gemini season with a newfound sense of self-worth, growth and stability in the Taurus-ruled area of our charts - and now is the time to begin sharing that with the world.
Embracing duality within
While Taurus season is a time focused on grounding and building foundations, Gemini season is focused on embracing diversity, feeding our curiosities and experiencing versatility.
With the Sun illuminating the archetype of the twins, it shines a light on the yin and yang, light and dark, and the sacred union of these within us. The Sun in Gemini puts the spotlight on the way we integrate the information we receive from our environment, and the way that we manifest our realities from the information & words we put out by bringing our feminine & masculine dualities into balance. While Sagittarius looks at the big picture & enjoys the journey it takes to get there, Gemini teaches us that it is our daily thoughts and words that create our reality. This energy is associated with the magician in Tarot - a card that speaks to the power of manifestation and the ability to quite literally ‘create anything we put our minds to’. The opposition of these energies wants us to understand the daily curiosity and open-mindedness that it takes to attain the big picture that Sagittarius aims its arrow towards.
In the energetic body, Sagittarius is connected to the sacral chakra - the center of our creative power; while Gemini rules the throat chakra; where we refine and share our creations with the world. This Full Moon highlights any imbalance between the things we feel called to create & how they align with our authenticity, truth, and what we believe we are worthy of.