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Aries Super Full Moon: Transforming Through Instinct & Authenticity

Writer's picture: Vanja BanksVanja Banks

woman under solar eclipse

On October 17th, at 4:27 am PST/ 7:27 am PST, the Sun and Moon oppose each other during the Aries super full moon.  Although it is not an eclipse, this energy may feel quite intense as the moon is very close to earth, ensuring we feel its energy more prominently and are driven into transformation through instinct and authenticity.  Furthermore, this moon closes out the cycle that began on the April 8th Aries solar eclipse - so it’s a great time to revisit themes that were emerging for you then to see how you might have grown or evolved.

In the fiery energy of Aries, this lunation is all about you - your courage to walk the unbeaten path authentic to you, led by your instinct.  At the same time, full moons are always about balance - and as the Sun sits opposite the Sun in the sign of partnerships (Libra), the ways we balance our inherent need for connection and security with our need for independence and autonomy is brought to the forefront.  As we close out our learnings from 2023 and 2024’s eclipses in Aries and Libra and say farewell to Libra season, we’re integrating lessons on how to achieve more balance from these competing but complementary needs.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac - symbolized by the ram, which bursts head first through life, led by its instinctual nature.  It represents the spark of life, and is therefore all about the self - about our authenticity, individuality and autonomy.  Its energy is balanced by that of Libra, which teaches us about relating to others, finding compromise and harmony in relationships.  When we are in balance between these opposing energies, we’re able to cultivate harmonious, open-hearted connections with others that do not take away from our individuality and autonomy.  If we find ourselves falling into hyper-independence or codependence, we’re swung too far into the shadow behaviours of one of these signs.

Grand Cardinal Cross Brings Tension

A grand cross configuration is present in the sky currently, involving the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto in the cardinal signs of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn.  Cardinal energy requires initiation, but energy can get trapped in this tense aspect.  Involving transformative and feisty planets like Pluto and Mars - it’s important to be mindful of pent up emotions rising to the surface at this time.  This conflict is likely to involve a sense of competing interests between the moon in Aries (representing individuality), sun in Libra (representing relationships), Mars in Cancer (representing actions taken to ensure emotional security), and Pluto in Capricorn (transformation and power dynamics with respect to physical security).   These forces may feel at odds with one another, but the grand square aspect, although difficult, is simultaneously stabilizing.  In cardinal energy, it urges us to take action to create a new dynamic for ourselves involving these four themes and presents an opportunity to free ourselves from past patterns and emotional pain.

If you have personal planets around 24 degrees of the cardinal signs (Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn), this energy will be impacting you quite personally.  Find out if this is you by signing up to the Lunar Alchemy Collective, where you’ll get full access to this article and instructions on pulling up your chart & learning how the energy is affecting you.  If not, you will still be affected by this energy wherever you have these degrees in your chart.

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